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FORMER Motley Crue singer John Corabi has been regaling audiences in Europe with the story of how he was sacked from the multi-platinum band and dumped by his girlfriend – on the same day.

Corabi is wrapping up a one-man-show tour which has seen him perform in support of his new Unplugged album, drawing material from his time in The Scream, Motley Crue, Union and his solo career.

The show also includes a number of anecdotes from the 53-year-old’s life, including his dismissal from the Crue in 1996.

Speaking between songs at the Star Of Kings in London, Corabi said he showed up for a recording session for what was to become Generation Swine to be confronted with “a bunch of people wearing suits.

“I thought ‘did I not get the email? Are we having a meeting or something?’,” he recounted.

“‘They were like ‘yeah, well, we are and what we have to say is: Crabby we love you but unfortunately those guys over there, the record company, are not going to support this version of the band.

“‘So we have to let you go because we’re bringing Vince back.”

Corabi said the band’s “lifestyle” had ruined his previous marriage and he had “gone out in Hollywood and as you do when you’re in a big band, found the youngest, hottest model I could”.

After his sacking, “I went out and I got into the brand new sports car I had just bought, like, four weeks before, and I opened up the glove (box) and I got the gun and I stuck it in my mouth.

“Anyway, on the way home, I’m thinking ‘shit, I’m I’m unemployed, I’m jobless, I have no job’. I’m thinking ‘fuck, who’s going to pay for this car? Who’s going to pay for the house? Who’s going to pay for the girl? … How am I going to break it to her?

“So I walk into the house and there’s my beautiful, young, naked model eating chocolate and watching Oprah Winfrey.

“I say ‘honey … I have good news and I have bad news. The good news is I’m going to be able to spend a lot more time at home with you. The bad news is Motley let me go today so my wallet’s going to be a little bit lighter while I’m doing it. Actually, let me rephrase that honey – my wallet’s going to be empty while I’m doing it.

“At which point, she sat up on the couch and looked at me in a look I’d never seen before and she said ‘you know, I have good news and I have bad news as well’. I said ‘what’s your good news?’

“She said: ‘well, the good news is I just got a TV show today so my career’s really taking off’. I’m, like, ‘awesome, then you can pay for the car’. No. She’s like, ‘I think I need a little space, I need to focus on my career’.’

The singer says men should realise that if a woman says that, they should move immediately – something he did several days later.

He continued: “Maybe about three weeks later, my buddy rings and says ‘what’s going on with that chick you were dating … I saw her last night at a movie premier, with her husband.

“I started counting. Today’s Tuesday, it’s been three weeks, she’s married?’ So I started looking for that gun again.”

The episode inspired the Union song “Love (I Don’t Need It Anymore)”

“It actually got quite a bit of airplay in America and I actually made quite a bit of money. So in the long run, I actually want to thank her for leaving.”

This story appeared on Hot Metal’s website on November 21, 2012

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