HAILING from New Jersey at the beginning of the original thrash movement of the early 80s, Overkill have never been as big as they deserve to be, hanging in the second tier of bands that eventually was overflowing with acts. This has never fazed them, as they have continued to pump out albums of varying quality while never ceasing to wreck necks and get mosh pits fired up.
So what does album 20 hold in store? Well, the honest answer is: more of the same. Overkill have never played with their formula too much, meaning that no matter what, they are always launching out both speakers full of piss and vinegar. Opener and title track ‘Scorched’ ensures you are aware of what the band is capable of.
‘The Surgeon’ shows just how well vocalist Bobby Blitz has kept his voice, maintaining his maniacal wail into his 60s, and the pace at which he can still wield his abilities is well shown here, a track that could have been released in 1988.
It isn’t until deep in the album before Overkill gives any time to catch your breath. The Sabbath-esque ‘Fever’ sticks out as the band battle against themselves to restrain from ever fully kicking off and Bobby Blitz does a job of aping the vocal styles of Ozzy in the quieter moments. But this change in the program only lasts the one track before they roll out the album as fast as they introduced it, finishing on the rollicking good time that is ‘Bag o’ Bones’.
If you have never been impressed by what the band can do by this stage of their lengthy career, this album won’t go any way to converting you now. If, on the other hand, you have often been partial to checking in on them, this album is sure to make you feel good where it counts.