EVER since breaking his bonds with Gallows- the band where he first came to the heavy music world’s attention as a quick fire angry bloke – Frank Carter has become a bit of a musical chameleon, lyrically baring his soul on all manner of topics both personal and political over everything from venomous hardcore to pop so sugary it leaves a sickly taste in your ears.
From the first single “Man of the Hour”, it was obvious that this album was going to lean on the poppier more lyrically vulnerable side of his output. And from the opening keys, that is exactly what we get. If you came here for angry Frank you will leave disappointed.
This feels closer to the End of Suffering album, with a continuation of the electronic elements explored on previous album Sticky. From the piano and vocal break in “American Spirit” that breaks up its more rockier bass fuzz parts or the quiet ballad “Queen of Hearts” and “Sun Bright Golden Happening” that see Frank Carter at his most heartfelt as he croons over soft piano chords in a passive, reflective mood.
This is not the Frank Carter and the Rattlesnakes any of us have come to know. This is a growth and maturity, more a conscious decision by Frank Carter and his writing partner Dean Richardson in killing off whatever you think knew the band was, as they move forward in a direction with no boundaries or walls to keep them in. I’ll admit it has taken me more than a few listens to wrap my head around this ‘new’ version of the band and there is still little that really grabs me. Only the opening three tracks and “Self Love” really point to their rockier and more attractive side. So much less than I had anticipated, but I am sure if the band continue in this direction, I won’t be alone.