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I CAUGHT up with – via email – Jessica Francis and Sam Adam from blast beat punk two-piece Wounded Pig, from Mount Gambier, Australia.

Please note they chose to answer most questions as a collective!

Hot Metal: What bands have you guys supported? Any highlights?

Wounded Pig: “King Parrot, Captain Cleanoff, The Kill, Intense Hammer Rage, Weekend Nachos (United States), Viscera Trail (Israel), Sete Star Sept (Japan), just to name a few. We have played with so many great local, national and international bands since we formed in 2014, it’s hard to remember, let alone name them all. It would be a huge list!”

Jess Francis: “A personal highlight for me would be our headline tour of New Zealand. Local band Silent Torture organised the whole thing. They gave us somewhere to stay, set up an interview and photography, even took us sight seeing. All we had to do was play, it was amazing! Great gigs and great people. New Zealand has an awesome heavy metal community, it’s definitely one of my favourite places to play.”

HM: You guys put out a patch which had a upside down map of Australia on it with the Wounded Pig logo in the middle. Aas there any backlash over it?

WP: “Hahaha, we forgot about those ones! We don’t recall any backlash over those, we didn’t really think about it at the time. We bought our own screenprinting press when we first started the band, so we used to print whatever designs we wanted. If it looked good and we though we could sell it, we printed it! We put out a small run of black balaclavas once, they didn’t go down very well with a few people. Another time, a fan returned one of our shirts when he realised it had the word ‘shit’ printed on the back of it. He said ‘it was too much for him’. We had a laugh about that one.”

HM: And speaking of merch, is there anything you would love to put out?

WP: “We love to do a run of vinyl. We always wanted to release ‘A Permanent Mark’ on vinyl but it never happened. Maybe one day.”

HM: If Wounded Pig were a alcoholic drink what would be in it?

WP: “Poison.”

HM: If you could put a dream festival together, who would be on it?

JF: “Tough one. It would definitely have a death/stoner/sludge vibe to it, so I’d go Morbid Angel, Cannibal Corpse, Cryptopsy, Eyehategod, Crowbar, High on Fire, Down, Weedeater and if they reformed, SuperJointRitual. I wouldn’t put my own band on there, I’d be too busy watching the other bands.”

HM: And what have you guys got planned for 2024?

WP: “We’re going to start working on a new album. It’s been nearly eight years since we release our debut so we’re pretty keen to get something out there. We’ve been experimenting with new tunings and the possibility of changing over to seven-string guitars and five-string bass, see how far we can push our sound. If everything goes to plan, we should have a new album out by the end of the year. In the meantime, we might do a limited release of a few cover songs we recorded a while ago, with some merchandise.”

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