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MANNEQUIN Death Squad are a Melbourne two-piece dealing in grunge, punk and pop.

Hot Metal: Very cool to chat with you. Long time listener, first time caller. How was the Oz tour? 

Elly: “It was great! We got to hit up a lot of new places which we always love doing, had never played Tasmania, Geelong or Brisbane before!”

Dan: “It was heartwarming to see so many people getting into our album and singing the words at the shows. Honestly (it was) the best Australian tour we’ve done so far. We feel like grunge is back baby, people are fucking rocking out!”

HM: Is touring more overseas a focus for you guys?

Elly: “We don’t try and prioritise it but there are definitely more opportunities for bands like us overseas, especially in the UK (and) Europe. There are triple the amount of venues and festivals so it’s been a great way to establish more of a fanbase and get to see the world which is the dream!”

Dan: “We had plans to tour in WA but they fell through this time unfortunately, so we are looking to get over their next time.”

HM: I would find touring a bit of a slog at times and it gives me nightmares nowadays. Do you embrace it?

Elly: “How we get through the ‘sloggy parts’ the tour: coffee,  lots of fucking snacks, making sure you either have a swim or a nature walk in each city if there’s time, lots of Slipknot and Dillinger Escape Plan on the road trips, more coffee, more snacks, good people – no dickheads allowed.”

Dan: “Oh and we definitely embrace it, we fucking love touring, you just have to get used to living out of a car! Where’s my shoe?”

HM: How has Super Mental Psycho been received? Live or album…

Elly: “We’re stoked with how well the album has been received! Some cool motherfucker even got the album cover tattooed on them! Insane.”

Dan: “It took us a lot of effort, time & mental energy to get our shit together and make a physical album so when people are asking us to play certain tracks at shows or when they yell in excitement when the intro to Super Mental Psycho comes in, it just makes us feel like we’ve had a huge ice cream cone of love and sprinkles. We’ve found our live shows have been wilder since we dropped the album, I think because people actually know the tracks and anticipate when a hectic drop is coming or when El is about to lose her shit, haha.”

HM: How was the recording process?

Elly: “Excruciatingly long.”

Dan: “We took it upon ourselves to try and beat Axl Rose’s record for how long it can take to produce an album. Unfortunately he still reigned supreme at 14 years for Chinese Democracy to be made. You can’t win ’em all I guess. We thought we’d learn from this by having another album already written and ready to be released in 2023  … hopefully, haha.”

HM: Being a  two piece must make the decision making process easier ? Or maybe not?

Elly: “We think the same creatively and listen to a lot of the same music so that makes it so much easier!”

Dan: “It is not often that we disagree but when we do, it either doesn’t last long or turns into an angry song.”

HM: You prefer guitar or on the kit?

Elly: “I started playing drums first actually in high school but nowadays I love being on guitar, love being able to run across the stage and jump around.
I also low key see my life flash before me when i’m halfway through the Honey Punch drums. It is a sweaty affair and sometimes I’m not sure if i will make it out alive.”

Dan: “I started off as a guitarist but enjoy drumming more these days although i do enjoy losing my shit on guitar and screaming at everybody until they get sick of me and then i can conveniently give the guitar back to Elz before the crowd turns on me.”

HM: OK, seriously though: what is your all-time desert island fave artist or album?

Elly: “Okay so its been 40 minutes since I read this question and i’ve had a meltdown because I love too many artists and now i’m panic eating and don’t know who I am anymore so i’m sorry but here is Dan for his answer.”

Dan: “Avenged Sevenfold – Self Titled. Endless bangers.”

HM: Do you follow AFLl, NRL or other sport and if so, which teams?

Both: “Nah! Not really our vibe; maybe in another life.”

HM: Thanks Guys! Keep rockin’ and punchin’.

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Steve Mascord

Author Steve Mascord

Steve came up with the name of Hot Metal magazine in 1989 and worked for the magazine in its early years. He is HM's editor and proprietor in 2022.

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