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Hot Metal: How did the idea for the 25th anniversary show and recording come about?

Dan McDougall: “We were approached by a promoter named JD over in Adelaide after our set at The New Dead fest who was keen to line something up for our 25th. It wasn’t even something we were even thinking about but we told him we’d have a think about it and get back to him. We started throwing around ideas on getting some of the old members back for a guest appearance on a song here and there, but as we started talking to a few of them and how keen they were to do it, it occurred to me that if we were going to do this then why not go all the way and ask everyone who has been in one of the major line-ups if they could do it. The biggest hurdle was going to be Mick and Tim, who would need to do the bulk of the show and considering Mick pretty much gave up playing drums after he left the band years ago we didn’t expect he would be all that keen. On the contrary, he was well up for it and so was Timmy and quite frankly both of them knocked it out of the park on the night! And let us not forget Scotty, who came all the way from Perth for the show. He killed it and had a blast in the process from all accounts.”

HM: The original members all gathering for one show to cover a 25 year catalogue must have been quite an undertaking?

DM: “Yeah it was a bit of a logistical nightmare trying to get everyone lined for rehearsals. We started with one or two guys here with the current members filling in for when someone couldn’t make it and as we drew closer more guys were able to make it and in the final week leading up we were able to have pretty much a full dress rehearsal twice. The only guy who wasn’t able to make any jams was Adam B. Metal who couldn’t get away from commitments in Warnambool, but he turned up on the day and quite frankly showed us all up! I still can’t really believe that we actually pulled it off and everyone was actually able to make it on the night.”

HM: Choosing a set list must have been a tough one?

DM: “Indeed. Considering there are well over a hundred songs to choose from, whittling it down came down to what songs we felt best reflected the full catalogue, but were also songs that we well all love to play. In the end we got it down to 18 songs with the bulk coming from the current line-up and the original line-up.”

HM: How do you feel about being in ‘the most recent’ line up, knowing the band has had such a decorated history?

DM: “Well I was also in the third line-up of the band; I joined back in 2007 and then left in about 2014 I think, then rejoined again in 2018. And I’m the longest running vocalist in the band. Every single line up has been very different from the last and I gotta say that the current line-up is killer. We have been a four piece for a while now and in all honesty its the most stable and fun its ever been. One less dickhead to deal with too!”

HM: The footage looks great, a real ‘I was there in the pit’ kinda vibe. Was that a conscious decision?

DM: “No not really. We asked Steven from Riff Crew to come and film the night but we also had a couple of long time fans of the band, Natasha and Jed, also want to film on the night so we ended up using all that footage, with Natasha and Jeds stuff coming from the crowd. I was stupid enough to want to be the one who edited the show and mixed the audio, which has been quite a mammoth task. I’m just putting the finishing touches on it now. I had quite a few problems to overcome also that I wont go into, but got there in the end. Needless to say I will be glad to see the back of it and not have to listen or watch the bloody thing ever again!”

HM: Still going strong after 25 years! Plans for new music?

DM: “Yes mate we are currently writing new stuff as we speak. Or should I say the other three are. What they have come up with so far it killer and im looking forward to having some time to concentrate on lyrics and vocals once this thing is out of my hair.”

HM: I have to ask my standard fun questions … album or artist you would take to a deserted island?

DM: “Too hard to choose. And besides if I only had to listen to one album all the time I’d end up hating it.”

HM: Do you follow any sports or sporting teams we should know about?

GM: “No mate sorry. One of the many things I don’t have in common with most of my fellow countrymen.”

Image: Jay Collier

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