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Hot Metal: How are you mate? Great to see you back on the mic’.. How long between drinks ?

Adam Glynn: “I’m doing really well thank you. Super busy dotting the I’s and crossing the T’s getting ready for these shows coming up in Feb. But besides that, there’s just so much going on in the bok camp at the moment. We have just got our CDs from the pressers and will be posting them out next week to all those who have pre-ordered one. To those that support the band we want to give it to them early. We have only done a limited pressing but they have turned out brilliantly. We went the extra mile on this release with the packaging and it’s also sounding killer. But for anyone that didn’t preorder, I’m sure we will have e plenty still for the shows. And for anyone that doesn’t collect physical media, you can download the new EP from Jan 31st from our website and it will be on all the streaming platforms through our new label xmusic. Also: Just awaiting some new merch, two new t shirt designs that we will be selling exclusively for these run of shows. A new filmclip for the first single off the EP, ‘Dopamine’, will also drop on Australia Day. So much going on. I’m sure I’m forgetting something. But my brain is cactus right now. As for how long: well, my last band Five Star Prison Cell disbanded in 2010. So until I was asked back to do the Bok 25th anniversary show. I hadn’t been on a stage in 12 years.”

HM: How was the recording process for Irrepressible? Where, who, what?
AG: “It was actually quite an organic process – a few hichoughs and stresses but totally worth it in the end. I still write all the time and I had a shit tonne of lyrics to use and draw from. I’ve got about eight written songs that I’ve done writing the vocals and lyrics for already. So they just need music. This will come about later hopefully for our next release. But I digress. The recording was done in-house with the band. Drums and bass were tracked at Volume Dealer with ex vocalist Dan McDougall. Azza (Adam B Metal) tracked his guitars at home and l did the same with my vocals. I definitely prefer doing things this way. You can take your time, perfect everything and time ISN’T money. It was then mixed and mastered at Volume Dealer also. It was a bit of a gamble and an experiment in how we may choose to do things in the future. But I’m really happy with the results. It might be a hard pill to swallow but I think we have created something new and unique. It’s definitely back to the original Frankenbok. That could be a bad thing. Time will tell. But the whole band are very happy and satisfied with the result. AT the end of the day. That’s all that matters.
If the collective dig what you do and it blows up. That’s icing on the cake. I think these are well written songs, very catchy and diverse. But again, who knows? I’m approaching this with an enthusiasm that probably spawns from an ignorance from being out of the loop and scene for so long (laughs).”
HM: How have you found 2025 music biz as opposed to late nineties?
AG: “That’s actually a great question, One I’ve not given too much thought to. I guess with technology now you can act on an impulse a lot easier and quicker.
I’m still to get back amongst it. But the two shows I have played so far have been a lot of fun and the old people that used to follow the band are coming out of the woodwork and we seem to be winning over a new generation of younger people, which is exciting. It’s all a slow burn. But February is where we will really see what is what.”
HM: Having heard the single ‘Demon Tantrum’ and a sneaky EP preview, what inspired your lyric writing this time around? 
AG: “I think this is the … recording … where I have worn my heart the most on my sleeve. I’m still a cynical smart ass that enjoys a little tongue in cheek. But I also like my lyrics to be cryptic. There doesn’t always have to be a train of thought behind something. But sometimes certain words just sound good together. The songs on this EP cover topics attacking the woke. Those that are addicted to the dopamine of validation from getting likes and notifications on their Instagram or Facebooks. There’s a song about my toxic family. Another song that is kind of a comeback special anthem. But also not knowing when to quit. That whole failure of a forgotten legacy, that kind of thing. But I like things being open to interpretation. As long as it’s not perceived as hurtful or negative and nobody does a Judas Priest and makes out with a shot gun. Then it’s all good. People need to lighten up and just let art be art. My lyrics are creative exercises for me. It’s about trying to tap into a headspace or a character that isn’t necessarily me. But an empathetic hypothesis. Fun fact: I had never tried cocaine before writing that song. But I asked a few coke heads what it was like and observed a few loose units that were in bands we used to tour with.”
HM: What has been playing in the chariot or on your turntable of late?
AG: “I don’t own a turntable. But I have been gifted a few vinyls. I’ve been enjoying a bunch of stuff. I love Gossip. Beth Ditto’s voice is just some powerful. Maximum The Hormone. A band from Melbourne called Scarn On and a female band called SPAWN. INXS always plays in my home. Tom MacDonald and my old drummer’s solo project Xs for Eyes.
HM: OK, now for the serious stuff…. What album or artist catalogue would you take to the wasteland with you?
AG: “Well that depends. How many can I take? If it was just one, That would be very hard. I can’t Sophie’s Choice when it comes to music.”
HM: Do you follow any sports or sporting teams?
AG: “I will attend sporting events with certain friends as it opens up more social doors for me. But I just don’t understand it personally. So no, not really. I have an AFL team, Western Bulldogs. But I don’t really follow them or care if they win – unless they have beaten an overly passionate mate’s (team). Then I enjoy rubbing that in their faces (laughs). I just cant get excited, angry or upset over anybody’s loss or victory but my own or the people that I care about. Sport is like sex to me (despite the fact that I do watch a chunk of porn). I’d much rather be doing it than watching it. I prefer art and music to sport. It’s a damn shame this country doesn’t agree with that!”
HM: Thank you Hutchy.. keep running from the living and the dead.
AG: “I run from nothing. I’m a fat cunt these days. When I die. I want to be sick. Not old! Thanks for taking an interest in me and our band. May 2025 be a great year for you and all you love.”
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