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Live review: L7 + The Valants at the Croxton, Melbourne, Sunday, December 16 2023

I WAS really excited for this show, I gotta say. I love this band! I missed them the last couple of times they’ve graced our shores, so I was keen as fuck to see what they had in store for we virgins … a sacrifice?

The night started with The Valiants. A young band that I gotta admit, of which I’d not heard. They were quite good. One minute I thought I was at some early eighties pop gig, next minute I felt like some Muse vibes. Maybe The Killers… They kicked some goals and really seemed like nice guys, winning over the ever-increasing crowd and I can see them having a great career. Jacob (vocals) often gave off an Ian Curtis thing. That alone should tell you everything you need to know.
I slinked my way down to the front between bands and waited for the onslaught that would be L7. One of the best bands of the nineties and in my humble opinion, the best all female band ever.
Cue “Wargasm” … it killed!
But unfortunately there were some sound issues with the monitors and a break was needed after song two.
Back they came to a rousing reception to continue the Bricks Are Heavy album, in order, in full.
And it was gooooood!
All the hits! “Pretend We’re Dead”, “Shitlist” and “Everglade” sent the punters into a frenzy. including yours truly.
I played my wife L7 recently and she quipped “They sound like The Runaways”. She was pretty close. “Imagine The Runaways, but heavier and better and tougher,” was my response. This all came true at the show. The second part of the set included new songs like “Stadium West”, but still we were treated to “Shove”, which slayed.
A sold out Croxton Hotel was a sweaty, exhausted mess post-L7. One of the shows of the year for mine.

Hot Metal Contributors

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