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FORMER White Line frontman Mike Tramp says he “firmly” believes the World Trade Center was not brought down by the two planes which collided with it on September 11, 2001 and that no aircraft hit the Pentagon.

Tramp made the Twin Towers assertion last night during his solo acoustic show in London and later expanded upon his beliefs – and discussed the Pentagon –  in an email to Hot Metal.

“I used to pass the World Trade Center  on my way to rehearsal and look up at it,” the 51-year-old told fans at the Star Of Kings in Kings Cross before playing 1987 hit, “When The Children Cry”.

“Years later, after I moved to Australia, the phone started ringing in the middle of the night. I thought ‘who the hell is that, I’m not answering’.

“The next morning, I turned on the television and of course it was all there. What happened on 911, I think, will not be surpassed in my lifetime.

“I have 250 books on the subject and every DVD ever released and I firmly believe those two planes did not bring down the Twin Towers.”

Tramp had earlier conducted an interview with Hot Metal. When we emailed him after the show, he responded with more detail about his beliefs but stopped short apportioning blame for the catastrophe.

“That can’t be answered in a short email as I head to bed,” Tramp wrote, upon being asked what brought down the World Trade Center.

“But I can put it this way, it wasn’t the two planes, and there are 100′s of organizations of scientist, architects, and pilots for the truth of 9/11 that says it can’t be done.

“Another thing is very few people knows that at 5pm in the evening, 10 hours after the two towers came down. A third building (world trade center 7) a 47 story building came down in 9 seconds in free fall, and no plane ever hit that.

“Only when you start reading the books and get the facts can you form your own opinion, I can’t do that for you.

“Maybe just start with the documentary “Loose Change” directors cut, it’s on YouTube like so many others, it’s a good start.

“Also no plane hit the Pentagon.”

This story appeared on the Hot Metal website on November 22, 2012

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