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ANGRY Anderson has apologised for an incident involving a female gig-goer in Canberra last weekend.

The iconic frontman became involved in a verbal altercation with the fan during a Rose Tattoo show at The Basement on March 11. There were unconfirmed reports of him making disparaging remarks about others, including those connected with the venue.

“Firstly I apologise to the female that incurred and suffered my wrath at a gig last weekend,” Anderson wrote on the band’s Facebook page.

“If this message gets to her somehow, which I  hope it does, she and others that were there, will know this apology is meant for her.

Brothers and sisters, I’m here today to offer an apology; I was taught, in my growing years, to…

Posted by Rose Tattoo on Monday, 13 March 2023

“My behaviour was shabby, to say the least, it was disproportionate, inappropriate, uncalled for and worst of all unmanly, so to that woman I offer my sincere apology.

“Also I apologise to all and any that found my behaviour, in regards this particular situation, in any way disappointing or offensive!

“When your doctor warns you about mixing antidepressants with alcohol please heed that advice, ant depressants and alcohol do not mix!”

Our own Brian Giffin divided readers with his review of another show on the current Rose Tattoo tour, during which Anderson’s on-stage remarks made some audience members feel uneasy.

But Anderson made it clear he was only saying sorry over this one incident, writing:  ..as for any other comments that I made apart from this one occasion, I make no apology.”

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Steve Mascord

Author Steve Mascord

Steve came up with the name of Hot Metal magazine in 1989 and worked for the magazine in its early years. He is HM's editor and proprietor in 2022.

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