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NAILS are powerviolence,  a heady mix of grindcore, black metal and hardcore. Nails are also not here to fuck about.  After a lengthy eight-year hiatus, they’re back and nothing has changed. Nihilism? Check. More chaotic than a chihuahua with a pen knife? Check. Groovy as balls when it counts? You better believe it.

Like a tornado of bricks straight to the face, “Imposing Will” launches through the speakers in punishing fashion, holding onto you ears and cranking your neck before suddenly letting go and letting you fall back into a strong groove. This blast-rest-blast-rest pattern continues as quick as the album itself before stopping as suddenly as it arrived for the thrash stylings of “Give Me The PainKiller” and its immediate follow up, “Lacking the Ability to Process Empathy”. These two tracks show Nails are prepared to let a little more light into their darkness. Not a lot, mind you, just enough to break up the constant skull-fucking the band can throw at you on this 17-minute album.

Again the band fire up on the relentless grinding chaos on a fast downhill to the end before coming to rest on the behemoth three-minute closing track “No More Rivers To Cross”, slowing the pace down to a treacle thick sludge and go about battering your skull in one last time, ensuring the job is done properly.

If you know Nails, you will know what a wild ride you are about to embark on.  If you don’t know Nails, now is as good a time as any to tighten you helmet and get on the train.

Get Every Bridge Burning on vinyl and CD

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  • Motley Crue – Shout At The Devil 40th anniversary boxed set

  • KISS – Creatures Of The Night 5CD blue ray boxed set

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