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ACE Frehley says he’s decided against releasing “dirt” on former KISS band-mates Gene Simmons and Paul Stanley.

Two weeks ago the fabled guitarist appeared on Sirius XM saying he was so offended by comments Stanley had made on another program that he was demanding an apology within a week.

If it was not forthcoming, the 71-year-old said, he would be making public information which could end the careers of Simmons and Stanley.

“I initially said if he doesn’t apologise I’m going to spill some dirt that nobody knows about,” Frehley told host Eddie Trunk.

“Then I spoke to several good friends of mine who are God-fearing people and I go to AA meetings with and they said ‘you know, don’t ever sink to their level’.

“That’s what they do, that’s what they’ve been doing for years. Why you going to sink to their level?

“Then I came to the realisation I don’t have to bring up anything that I’ve got hidden away in my attorney’s safe deposit box.

“I can just talk about things they’ve said about me in black and white. They can’t come after me, after that, because they’ve said it.”

Asked if Stanley had contacted him, Frehley answered: “Yes he did – not long after the show was over.

“I was blindsided by the phone call.

“I figured he was calling maybe to apologise or at least explain why he said that. Maybe he meant it more towards Peter (Criss) than me, whatever the case may be.

“But instead of an apology I got a five-second phone call that said ‘eff you Ace, I’m not gonna apologise’ … and hung up.

“He wasn’t even man enough to let me give a rebuttal and explain why I was so upset or anything like that.”


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Steve Mascord

Author Steve Mascord

Steve came up with the name of Hot Metal magazine in 1989 and worked for the magazine in its early years. He is HM's editor and proprietor in 2022.

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